Our Vision


UJPLI stands for the elimination of harmful policing practices. Our vision recognizes and seeks to eliminate ongoing violence and inequity experienced by Black, Latinx, Indigenous, people of color, and immigrants as well as other oppressed communities. We seek the transformation of public policies that govern policing informed by research, education, community-based advocacy, and civic engagement by impacted communities. We endorse policies and practices which respect and uphold the human rights of all Long Island residents and promote community safety in a dignified, fair and effective manner for all members of Suffolk/Long Island communities.

We remain inspired by and committed to the fulfillment of the principles that the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Loretta Lynch, articulated in her announcement of the DOJ – Suffolk County Settlement Agreement: 

“All residents of Suffolk County deserve full and unbiased police protection, regardless of national origin, race, or citizenship status.“