Innocence Project Research
| Innocence Project |
Cognitive bias research in forensic science: A systematic review (2019)
Measuring Self-Reported Wrongful Convictions Among Prisoners
Charles E. Loeffler, Jordan Hyatt & Greg Ridgeway | Journal of Quantitative Criminology (Apr 2018)
DNA Exonerations, 1989 – 2014: Review of Data and Findings From The First 25 Years (Dec 2016)
Rate of false conviction of criminal defendants who are sentenced to death (March 2014)
The National Registry of Exonerations
Convicting The Innocent DNA Exonerations Database
23 Criminal Investigations, Cognitive Bias, and Wrongful Convictions
Identifying the Culprit Assessing Eyewitness Identification (2014)
Police-Induced Confessions: Risk Factors and Recommendations (Jul 2009)
The Substance of False Confessions (2010)
Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States A Path Forward (2009)
The Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (csafe)
Forensic science and statistics (Apr 2019)
The need for objective measures in forensic evidence (Apr 2019)
What does a match mean? A framework for understanding forensic comparisons (Apr 2019)
They Tyranny of the Trial Penalty: The Consensus that Coercive Plea Practices Must End (Apr 2019)
Innocents Who Plead Guilty: An Analysis of Patterns in DNA Exoneration Cases (Apr 2019)
The Impact of Human Factors on Criminal Investigations: A series of seven vide resources explaining the dynamics that frequently lead to wrongful convictions. Video Topics: Eyewitness Identification Confirmation Bias Tunnel Vision Memory Malleability Lie Detection and Demeanor Evidence Implicit Bias False Confessions
Innocence Project’s Wrongful Conviction Reading Guide (Sep 2019)
The Innocence Project’s TV, Film and Podcast Guide (Sep 2019)
Innocence Research – A website resource on wrongful arrests and convictions for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, advocates, educators, and the public. Objectives: Compile scholarly research on wrongful convictions in a systematic, organized fashion Compile popular culture sources related to wrongful convictions, including film, books, podcasts, and more for teaching and other purposes Provide information on important current events related to miscarriages of justice Provide information on calls for papers and upcoming conferences or symposia
Social Science Research Ideas & Questions from Innocence Project Staff (Aug 2017)
About the Innocence Network Research Review Committee
Innocence Project Statistics: DNA Exonerations in the United States